Creative Scotland is offering bursaries for Scottish-based outdoor arts practitioners to attend Circostrada’s Fresh Street at Out There Festival 28th-30th May 2025 in Great Yarmouth. To be eligible to receive a bursary applicants need to have a minimum of five years’ professional experience and their practice needs to be wholly or partially in outdoor live performance. Bursary recipients are expected to contribute to an informal short sharing of their experience of the event after Fresh Street, details tbc. They need to have a UK bank account.
Circostrada is an EU funded network which fosters sustainable and inclusive growth for the outdoor arts and circus sectors. Fresh events are symposia with keynote speakers and round table discussions with networking opportunities. They attract international delegates from across the world. This will be the first time that a UK organisation has hosted a Fresh event. Out There is an ACE NPO which has a track record of international working. You will need to register as a delegate which will give you access to Fresh Street. The full Fresh Street programme will be announced and delegation registration will open in January 2025.
There are five bursaries of £1,500 each. This is intended to support accommodation, train travel, remuneration of £900 and a ticket allowance for Out There festival (most shows are free of charge).
Creative Scotland wants to support outdoor arts practitioners who will benefit the most from the international opportunities from attendance at Fresh Street. Practitioners could be creators, performers, producers, directors, production managers, designers in live outdoor performance. Priority will be given to practitioners who are not in full-time salaried positions.
To apply please email jaine.lumsden@creativescotland a brief (maximum one page) explanation of why you want to attend Fresh Street and how you think your professional practice will benefit. Please attach a CV that demonstrates you have a minimum of five years professional practice in live outdoor arts performance.
Decisions on who will receive the bursaries will be taken by Jaine Lumsden and Angela Adams-Gray, director of Articulation.
The deadline for submission is 2pm Thursday 12th December 2024. We anticipate that applicants will be notified of the results w/c 16th December 2024. We expect a high level of demand so will not be able to offer feedback to applicants.