Articulation will host an information and coaching session for freelance artists, collectives and organisations in our sector who want to learn more about applying for grants from trusts and foundations. The session will be led by Phyllis Martin of Truffle Pig, who has twenty years experience in the trenches of arts, youth and community sector fundraising, and will offer practical, realistic guidance to get you started. The training session will be followed by an opportunity to meet selected commissioners and funders
Date | Thursday 13 March |
Time | 10:00-13:00 approx. |
Venue | Online |
Tickets | £25 / Free for Articulation members |
About the event
Funding 101: Intro to Grant Writing
Live interactive session with Phyllis Martin of Truffle Pig
Small group information and coaching session for freelance artists, collectives and organisations working in the OACS sector in Scotland, who want to learn more about applying for grants from trusts and foundations. Phyllis will give advice and take questions on where to go for money and what to say on the forms. With twenty years experience in the trenches of arts, youth and community sector fundraising, Phyllis offers practical, realistic guidance to get you started.
Across 2x 40min blocks we will cover:
- The easiest way to find funders
- Accessing funds as a solo artist : creating a CIC & approaching partners
BREAK - Awards For All : how to answer the questions
- William Syson Foundation : how to answer the questions
Pre-registering for the session will also give you access to Truffle Pig Grant Writing Toolkit videos on:
- How Much To Ask For
- How Much To Pay People
Plus a written “how to answer the questions” guide to the Creative Scotland Open Fund For Individuals form.
Ask the Funders
Our final section of the Funding 101 event is an opportunity to meet selected commissioners and funders. This will include Without Walls who will give an overview of their Associate Programme which is designed to create professional pathways into and through the sector. This programme benefits new entrants to the outdoor art sector as well as established practitioners looking to advance their career to the next level. A key aim is to increase the representation in the sector of practitioners from communities currently under-represented in the outdoor arts sector, particularly from ethnically diverse backgrounds, as well as those identifying as Deaf, disabled and neurodivergent.
About Truffle Pig
Phyllis lives and works in Glasgow and was a circus producer, production manager, arts administrator, venue manager and tour manager while learning to fundraise. She has been a grant-writing consultant for a decade and delivered fundraising training for Education Scotland, American Youth Circus Educators, North East Scotland Climate Action Network and 100+ small organisations who have nice things to say about it.
“Phyllis was just fantastic, very knowledgeable and engaging.” NESCAN member
“Very informative and full of useful information with clear and concise direction.” Thomas, Hopscotch Theatre
“Wish I had done one of Phyllis’s courses 10 years ago!” Simon, Open Door
Find out more at
Funding 101: Intro to Grant Writing
10:00-13:00 approx. | Thursday 13 March | Online