Network News
Articulation’s response to Creative Scotland’s recent Multi-Year Funding announcement.
Research collaboration between Articulation and Queen Margaret University is set to explore Outdoor Arts, Circus and Spectacle artforms in Scotland.
Miriam’s work has helped to transform communities and make a powerful impact on the cultural landscape of Ireland and beyond.
The 4 Nations Bursary Project is offering bursaries for new outdoor work to emerging artists and companies interested in outdoor arts.
Articulation is working with Creative Scotland to support Scottish-based outdoor arts practitioners to attend Circostrada’s Fresh Street.
Articulation is looking for a part-time, freelance Programme & Membership Coordinator to join our team.
An update on our recent board recruitment process.
Creative Scotland is offering bursaries for Scottish-based outdoor arts practitioners to attend Circostrada’s Fresh Street #5.
Articulation and Surge will support Leah Christie to attend renowned training academy in Tàrrega, Catalonia.
We are offering support to Articulation members with a CS Open Fund application in development.